blogid : 25632 postid : 1327143

‘To be innocent of heart’

Poetry Galore
Poetry Galore
  • 2 Posts
  • 1 Comment

Innocence is bliss they say,
But can someone lead a better life this way,
Was a question that I had a few days before,
But when I reached a Temple,
My thoughts did reach ashore,
I met here the best of hearts,
who came here to serve,
They welcomed visitors with so much love,
The atmosphere was filled with verve,
People of all countries visited this temple so serene,
They came in all colors,
Be they blue or green,
I learnt within a few days what is meant to have innocent hearts,
When you have the feeling to care,
Yes here is where all the innocence starts,
What joy is it to laugh with others,
To spend time this way,
It’s much better than spending money on frivolous things,
or to falter day by day,
Innocence is bliss they say,
But can someone lead a better life this way,
Was a question that I had a few days before,
But when I reached a Temple,
My thoughts did reach ashore,
I met here the best of hearts,
who came here to serve,
They welcomed visitors with so much love,
The atmosphere was filled with verve,
People of all countries visited this temple so serene,
They came in all colors,
Be they blue or green,
I learnt within a few days what is meant to have innocent hearts,
When you have the feeling to care,
Yes here is where all the innocence starts,
What joy is it to laugh with others,
To spend time this way,
It’s much better than spending money on frivolous things,
or to falter day by day,

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